The great importance of dental floss

I am pretty sure about the fact that a lot of you out there have never ever used dental floss before. Maybe some of these people have heard of it, or even tried using it, but found it a difficult and a time consuming procedure.

All I can tell using dental floss is one of the best (if not the best) things you can do for your dental health. Cavity develops from bacteria left inside your mouth, and leaving food rests in between your teeth contributes to bacteria development that attacks your teeth. On the other hand some of us with tight gaps between our teeth can experience a very odd “spanning” feeling when something is stuck between the teeth. I am one of these persons and that is why I use dental floss every time I have eaten something that can get stuck in between my teeth (not yoghurt for instance).

The recommendation is to use floss at least once a day, advisably in the evening, before going to bed.

Having narrow gaps is making my floss shopping a pain in the “butt”, I have tried the whole selection of flosses that are out there on the market, and found that only a single one (luckily) I am able to use in between my teeth, the others won’t fit at all since they are being to wide. This brand is Oral-B.

It is really important to show your children how to floss too, and give them a specially designed floss.

Remember to always floss BEFORE brushing your teeth, this way you brush in between your teeth too (where the food rests were before flossing).

Note: This is not an ad for Oral-B, I just want to try to help the people who thought that they were not able to use dental floss when taking care of their teeth.

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